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WorkMax Mobile App

| 2020 -  2022

WorkMax Mobile App: The Evolution of Mobile Time Tracking and Asset Management

Most businesses have many manual tasks in their processes, different integrated systems, and depending on the size of the company, custom code making it all work. Our Time Tracking and Asset Management app aims to automate as many processes as possible while orchestrating automations between different systems to create a seamless experience for construction and field professionals.

Revamping Outdated Technology

Our initial app was not only technologically outdated but also on the verge of being removed from app stores. Designed for construction and other field workers, it enabled users to clock their time, fill out forms, and track equipment times. However, it was riddled with tasks that required too many steps to complete. We had to update the app's technology and overhaul our backend systems to ensure compatibility. The first step was collaborating with our onboarding project managers and customer support to understand the personas we were designing for.
Understanding the End User
Our primary contacts were often accountants and controllers, the individuals responsible for paying the end users. Direct contact with the actual field workers, who were busy with concrete work, building houses, and laying streets, was limited. We relied on feedback gathered from support tickets and occasional sales interactions. By creating an affinity diagram from this data, we identified the most critical issues and priorities.
Identifying and Addressing Core Issues
Once we determined the biggest problems with the mobile app—slow or incomplete syncing, poor performance, and excessive steps to complete tasks—we focused on addressing these issues. The end users needed to clock in and out, fill out forms, and track equipment efficiently to return to their primary tasks quickly. This goal was central to every decision made during the app redesign.
Building a Mobile Design System
As the sole designer, I previously focused on web and desktop apps with a rough design system in place. For the mobile app, which needed to be platform-agnostic due to resource constraints, we chose React as the development platform. I created our first mobile app design system, which later inspired a responsive design system for the web app.
Prototyping and Usability Testing
Building relationships with customers proved invaluable during the prototyping phase. I began with paper prototypes of significant UI changes and moved on to interactive prototypes using Figma, conducting usability testing via Zoom. Over several months, we refined various parts of the app, including the Home Screen, timesheets, asset tracking, and forms.
Insights from Beta Testing
The most valuable insights came from a three-month Beta test with actual field end users. Prior to this, testing was internal, involving proxy users and accountants from trusted companies. Insisting on a Beta test, we uncovered performance issues and glitches in real customer data interactions. The focus shifted more towards backend performance improvements rather than significant UI changes.
Successful Launch
The launch of the new mobile app was met with excitement. It featured improved GPS accuracy, better performance, and more reliable syncing. The new technologies allowed for refreshed data without manual syncing, a significant upgrade from the old app. While not perfect, the app's design, which prioritized the end user's need to return to work quickly, contributed to its success across various metrics.
Continuous Improvement
The journey from an outdated app to a modern, efficient tool for field professionals highlights the importance of understanding user needs, continuous feedback, and collaboration. As we move forward, ongoing enhancements and listening to our users will remain at the core of our development process, ensuring the app continues to evolve and meet the dynamic needs of construction and field professionals.
Wrapping up

Transforming our outdated app into a modern, efficient tool for field professionals has been a rewarding journey. By focusing on user needs, continuous feedback, and collaboration, we've created a streamlined, high-performing app that significantly improves workflow and efficiency.


As we move forward, we'll keep refining the app based on user feedback and real-world usage. Our goal is to consistently exceed user expectations and provide a seamless experience for construction and field professionals.

This project couldn’t exist without these wonderful people I collaborated with over the course of the project:

Tyler Hanson

Software Engineer @ WorkMax

David Smith.png

David Smith

Implementation Manager @ WorkMax

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