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I am known among designers, engineers, and leadership across various companies for my dynamic, collaborative approach, ensuring everyone is engaged in understanding and meeting customer needs.


Eric's approach to starting with synthesis coupled with his knack for seeing the big picture before making decisions has truly propelled our company forward. He doesn't just scratch the surface. He dives deep to understand the root of the problem and what's missing.


Recognizing the need to bridge the communication gap, Eric took the initiative by spearheading research and laying the groundwork for improved information flow throughout the organization from product development to customer service. His proactive efforts have been instrumental in ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards common goals he's a driving force behind our company's success. Congrats Eric keep up the good work.

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Camilla Knight

Associate UX Designer @ Vasion


Eric is a designer who firmly emphasizes the UX in UI/UX. He cares about customers, teammates, and strong alignment on a shared vision. Eric understands that the best way to create positive software experiences is by actually talking directly with customers about their real lived experiences, both positive and negative.


During our time on a Platform UI team at Vasion, Eric spearheaded efforts to initiate direct communication between product and engineering teams and customers, utilizing tools like directed discovery. He also developed tools & processes for easily synthesizing and sharing insights, reaching from engineers to department heads and C-suite executives. Eric has a research-centric mindset; he understands the why behind certain actions, not just the necessity of undertaking them.

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James Walsh

Senior Software Engineer @ Tomo


Eric has a great eye for UX Design. Eric is a humble team member with a great deal of dedication. One who wakes up in the middle of the night with ideas and inspiration for a new design or a better way of handling a current process. Then, he takes it to the next level by mapping out the workflow and designing the necessary processes for implementation.


Eric is continually discovering new tools and processes geared toward actual user needs based on first hand observations, customer conversations and data analysis. Always working toward simplifying and innovating methods to improve everything he touches. Since moving in to and heading up the QA team Eric has drastically improved our test automation, created QA best practices and is standardizing tests tailored to our software.

Sean McCarthy

COO @ WorkMax by Foundation

It’s been awesome to see his efforts and care he puts into reaching out to other departments. People are noticing especially in our sales department. His outreach is making UX a broader conversation to storied departments that have been around forever and bringing them to the light of what things can happen when UX is involved and when research is done. It's so cool that it's making a difference.

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Dallin Bird

Director of UX @ Vasion

I have been so thrilled with how he’s demonstrated, not only ownership in saying we need to better understand the experience that our customers are having from beginning to end and everything in between, but also his willingness to understand what are we already doing.


What are other departments focusing on and how can we collaborate together to make sure that we as a company are providing the best overall experience for our customers possible. We all need to be in this together. We need to be aligned and pulling in the same direction. And I so much appreciate the work that he has put into helping align all of us around customer experience specifically.

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Landon Clegg

Director of Customer Success @ Vasion

Eric has an contagious passion for user experience and user interface design. His enthusiasm drives him to continuous learning and exploring. He has a natural way of putting himself in the shoes of the user which allows him to create effective designs. He knows his way around the Adobe tools and is willing to take on any project that comes his way.


His technical background gives him a unique design perspective which facilitates the handoff to development. One of Eric's greatest strengths is is ability to communicate and collaborate with anyone and everyone effectively. I've worked with him on a number of side projects and it's been a pleasure every time.

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Hyrum Denney

VP of Product @ GoReact

I’ve just been so pleased with all of the efforts he’s put in to helping us with NPS, customer feedback, our customer research panel. He’s had to push a little bit at times when we've been bogged down, but he’s been patient with us.


His passion for making sure that customers are heard and that our product is easy to use in the ways that our customers want to use. It is phenomenal. So glad he’s on the team. So glad that he’s somebody who's willing to have the hard conversations across departments and make things happen.


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Kent Besaw

VP of Customer Success @ Vasion

Eric’s ability to start with synthesis is incredible. The first example as we look into this is the ability to actually take and establish a strong customer research practice and to leverage that and use that and share that with other departments like our customer success management team, like our marketing group and especially like our product and engineering organization. It brings such power to the way that we build software.


The second example is his ability to surface our NPS score within the existing solution. Building out surveys, making sure that customers would get and view our NPS questions like do you recommend our solution to others helps inform us on how customers are experiencing our solutions part of user research His relentless experience in patience talking with customers and just asking them question after question after question to get insights and then to take those insights and synthesize them in a way that makes them a summary and makes them really quick for people to consume. What an incredible example he has been.

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Corey Ercanbrack

CPO/CTO @ Vasion

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